how did rachel carson affect the environment?

A: she wrote a book that caused congress to ban a pesticide.
B: she developed the technology that allow us to recycle.
C: she started the celebration of earth day.
D: she was the first director of the environmental protection agency

What does your text say?

I think its b

Wait no its a

Am I right Mrs.sue

Which is it -- A or B?

Yes, A.

The correct answer is A: she wrote a book that caused Congress to ban a pesticide.

Rachel Carson, an American marine biologist and conservationist, made a significant impact on the environment through her book "Silent Spring," which was published in 1962. In this book, Carson exposed the harmful effects of pesticides, particularly DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), on the environment, wildlife, and human health.

Carson's book brought attention to the potential dangers of DDT and its impact on bird populations, and it played a influential role in raising public awareness about the harmful effects of chemical pesticides. The book sparked a national debate and put pressure on government agencies to take action. As a result, the United States Congress banned DDT in 1972, leading to the start of a phased-out process and its eventual ban in other countries globally.

Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" is considered a catalyst for the environmental movement. It spurred changes in public policy, leading to increased regulations and greater public awareness about environmental issues. Carson's work demonstrated the power of scientific research and public advocacy to bring about positive change for the environment.