Can someone help me solve these

(Vertical Angles are Congruent)

a.) _____ = (5x - 16) (Substitution)

b.) -2x + 20 = _____ (Subtraction Prop. of Equality)

c.) -2x = _____ (Subtraction Prop. of Equality)

d.) x = _____ (Division Prop. of Equality

a.) m3 = (5x - 16) (Substitution)

b.) -2x + 20 = m1 -5x (Subtraction Prop. of Equality)

c.) -2x = m1 -5x -20 (Subtraction Prop. of Equality)

d.) x = (m1-20)/3 (Division Prop. of Equality

To solve the equations, you will use the properties of equality and substitution. Here's how you can find the missing values:

a.) To find the missing value that corresponds to (5x - 16), use substitution. Since vertical angles are congruent, you can substitute m3 with (5x - 16):
→ Answer: (5x - 16)

b.) To find the missing value that corresponds to -2x + 20, use the subtraction property of equality. Subtract m1 from both sides of the equation:
-2x + 20 = m1 - 5x
Now, we have the equation with the missing value on the right side, and you can identify the answer:
→ Answer: m1 - 5x

c.) To find the missing value that corresponds to -2x, use the subtraction property of equality. Subtract m1 - 5x and 20 from both sides of the equation:
-2x = m1 - 5x - 20
The missing value (-2x) is on the left side of the equation:
→ Answer: m1 - 5x - 20

d.) To find the missing value that corresponds to x, use the division property of equality. Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
x = (m1 - 20) / 3
Now, you have the value of x:
→ Answer: (m1 - 20) / 3

Repeat the same steps for the second set of equations:

a.) m3 = (5x - 16)

b.) -2x + 20 = m1 - 5x

c.) -2x = m1 - 5x - 20

d.) x = (m1 - 20) / 3

By following these steps, you can solve the equations and find the missing values using substitution and the properties of equality.