What is the main difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves?

A. Mechanical weaves involved transfers energy; electromagnetic waves do not
B. Mechanical waves require a medium to travel in; electromagnetic waves do not*****
C. mechanical waves have amplitude and wave length; electromagnetic waves do not
D. Mechanical waves of speed and frequency; electromagnetic waves do not

I think it's b plz help and correct me if I'm wrong

1. B

2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C
For CA GT science grade 8 Quiz hope this helps

1. B- mechanical waves require a medium to travel in; electromagnetic waves do not

2. C- radio waves
3. C- x-rays have greater frequency that microwaves
4. D- 3 Hz
5. D- longitudinal, transverse, and surface
6. A- it is reflected
7. B- water particles
8. C- a 10 liter container that has 5000 molecules
9. D- they will be absorbed
10. C- wave B; wave A
if I messed up tell me plz and I'll fix it! but this should be right :P

wait im in 7 th grade XD

Thank you so much you’re a life saver 10/10 with N/A’s answers

N/A is still right

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C

it was correct I got 100% tho so im not complainin

it is b

Wait, im in grade 6 and mine is a quiz with 10 questions do you think its the same thing N/A

Nobody cares, fi you think this should be banned or not lol