Algae can survive on the seafloor only in ____.

A) Polar Areas
B) Deep Areas
C) Shallow Areas
D) High-density areas

I think it might be B or C.

B I think don't get me wrong. I agree with B or C but, I'm going with B

Which one are we talking about Green or Red Algae

It's not B. Both of you should try reading your text materials.

Yes, C.

To determine where algae can survive on the seafloor, we can reason based on their biological characteristics. Algae are photosynthetic organisms that require sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, which is essential for their survival. Therefore, the presence of sunlight is a crucial factor in determining their range.

Considering the options provided, let's analyze each one:

A) Polar Areas: In polar regions, such as the Arctic or Antarctic, sunlight is limited due to long periods of darkness during the winter months. Algae depend on sunlight for photosynthesis, so they are unlikely to survive in these areas. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

B) Deep Areas: In deep areas of the sea, sunlight does not reach the seafloor because it gets absorbed by the water above. As a result, the seafloor in deep areas is in constant darkness. Since algae cannot photosynthesize without sunlight, it is unlikely for them to survive in deep areas. Therefore, option B can also be eliminated.

C) Shallow Areas: Shallow areas are relatively closer to the surface of the water, allowing sunlight to penetrate the water and reach the seafloor. This allows algae to access the necessary sunlight for photosynthesis, making shallow areas a suitable environment for their survival.

D) High-density areas: The term "high-density areas" does not provide specific information about the availability of sunlight or any other factors that could influence algae survival. Without more information, it is difficult to determine whether algae can survive in high-density areas.

Considering the above analysis, the most suitable answer would be C) Shallow Areas, as they offer access to sunlight and support the survival of photosynthetic organisms like algae.

I got it, it was C.

Yup my bad I went with c and got it XD