All things considered, it seems reasonable that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals is acceptable. This practice could help to find cures for the illnesses as well as animals. Having said that people are not acknowledging the positive results of these trials. Another key thing to remember is at least 90% of the trials were successful.

It's for my argumentative essay
What else can I include
Do i have any errors?

that* instead of at

This practice could help to find cures for the illnesses as well as animals. >>

Makes no sense. What illnesses? How is it good for the animals? were they sick?

Should animals be tested for science research

You must include a discussion of what harm is done to animals when they are used as laboratory animals in testing drugs (and cosmetics and other chemicals).

It seems like you are discussing the topic of animal testing in your argumentative essay and trying to present the viewpoint that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals is acceptable. You have made a few claims that you can expand upon and provide supporting evidence for.

1. Finding cures for illnesses: You can provide examples of how animal testing has contributed to the development of treatments and cures for various diseases. For instance, you can mention specific drugs or medical procedures that were tested on animals before being deemed safe and effective for human use.

2. Positive results: You mentioned that people are not acknowledging the positive results of animal trials. To strengthen this point, you can present cases where animal testing has led to significant breakthroughs and highlight the impact it has had on improving human and animal health.

3. Success rate: You mentioned that at least 90% of the trials were successful. To support this statement, you should provide credible sources or studies that demonstrate this high success rate in animal testing. Including specific numbers or statistics can make your argument more persuasive.

Regarding errors in your statement, it's important to note that I can't evaluate the entire essay based on this short excerpt. However, make sure to present a balanced argument by acknowledging potential ethical concerns and counterarguments against animal testing. Addressing potential objections will strengthen your essay and demonstrate critical thinking on the topic. Also, ensure that you properly cite your sources and provide evidence to back up your claims.

Remember, the purpose of an argumentative essay is to present a well-reasoned and supported argument while considering opposing viewpoints. Good luck with your essay!