Delaney needs to rent a car while on vacation. The rental company charges $17.95, plus 16 cents for each mile driven. If Delaney only has $50 to spend on the car rental, what is the maximum number of miles she can drive?

To find the maximum number of miles Delaney can drive, we need to determine how much money will be spent on the base charge and how much will be spent on the additional mileage charge.

The base charge is $17.95, which is a fixed amount regardless of the number of miles driven.

The additional mileage charge is 16 cents per mile driven. Let's assume Delaney can drive x miles.

The total cost of the rental will be the sum of the base charge and the additional mileage charge: 17.95 + 0.16x.

Since Delaney only has $50 to spend on the car rental, we can set up an equation to solve for the maximum number of miles:

17.95 + 0.16x ≤ 50

To isolate x, we can subtract 17.95 from both sides:

0.16x ≤ 50 - 17.95

0.16x ≤ 32.05

To isolate x, we can divide both sides by 0.16:

x ≤ 32.05 / 0.16

x ≤ 200.3125

Therefore, Delaney can drive a maximum of 200 miles.

17.95 + 0.16m <= 50