Parenthetical expressions include information that may be helpful but is not essential to the meaning of a sentence. They are de-emphasized by:

A. dashes.
B. parentheses.
C. commas.
D. brackets.


Yes, B.


The correct answer is A. dashes. Parenthetical expressions are usually set off by dashes to de-emphasize them and show that they are not essential to the main meaning of the sentence.

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what a parenthetical expression is. A parenthetical expression includes additional information in a sentence that is not essential to the main meaning of the sentence. The information is typically added as an aside or clarification.

Now, let's evaluate the options:

A. Dashes: Dashes are used to set off information that is more emphatic or dramatic than information set off by other punctuation marks. While dashes can be used to provide emphasis, they are not specifically used to de-emphasize parenthetical expressions. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

B. Parentheses: Parentheses are commonly used to enclose parenthetical expressions. They visually set the information apart from the rest of the sentence and indicate that it is not crucial to the overall meaning. This option aligns with the description of parenthetical expressions, so it could be a potential correct answer.

C. Commas: Commas are frequently used to separate parenthetical expressions from the rest of the sentence. They provide a more subtle way to de-emphasize the additional information while still maintaining the flow of the sentence. This option aligns with the purpose of de-emphasizing parenthetical expressions, so it could also be a potential correct answer.

D. Brackets: Brackets are typically used for editorial insertions or to provide clarification within a quote or text. They are not primarily used to de-emphasize parenthetical expressions. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

Based on the explanations above, options B (parentheses) and C (commas) both seem plausible as they can be used to de-emphasize parenthetical expressions. To make a final determination, it would be ideal to consult a reliable grammar source or style guide.