Which of the following was a key factor in the passage of the Emergency Quota Act in 1921?

A. the desire to have only American-born citizens in the United States
B. the fear of a second wave of communist immigrants
C. a fear that immigrants would take jobs for lower pay**
D. the fear of different races becoming more dominant in the United States

Yes, C.

SOcial Studies

idk if this helps, but it was primarily because of the excess amount of people immigrating into the US

thank you @Ms.Sue and @Priscila

You're welcome Kylita.


To determine which of the given options was a key factor in the passage of the Emergency Quota Act in 1921, we can analyze each option and eliminate those that are incorrect.

A. The desire to have only American-born citizens in the United States: While nativism and a preference for American-born citizens played a role in shaping immigration policies during this time, it was not the primary factor behind the passage of the Emergency Quota Act.

B. The fear of a second wave of communist immigrants: While fears of communism and radical ideologies were present during this period, they were not the primary motivation for the passage of the Emergency Quota Act.

C. A fear that immigrants would take jobs for lower pay: The fear of immigrants taking jobs for lower pay was indeed a key factor in the passage of the Emergency Quota Act. The act aimed to restrict immigration and protect American workers from competition with lower-paid immigrant labor.

D. The fear of different races becoming more dominant in the United States: While concerns about racial dominance may have influenced some individuals, it was not the main reason behind the passage of the Emergency Quota Act.

Based on the analysis, option C, the fear that immigrants would take jobs for lower pay, was a key factor in the passage of the Emergency Quota Act in 1921.