Propose a method for determining the specific heat, Cp, for a metal like sodium which reacts with water.

You posted this question several times, and not just today. It has been answered. You will have to fill in the steps yourself. There are other possible methods as well as the one i mentioned.


To determine the specific heat, Cp, for a metal like sodium which reacts with water, you can follow the steps below:

1. Safety precautions: Before proceeding, ensure that you are taking all necessary safety precautions when working with sodium and water. Sodium is a reactive metal that can cause fires or severe reactions when in contact with water. It is important to work under the supervision of professionals and in a controlled environment.

2. Measure the mass of sodium: Begin by carefully weighing a known mass of sodium using an analytical balance. It is important to record the accurate mass of the sodium sample.

3. Prepare a calorimeter: Set up a calorimeter, which is a device used to measure heat changes. This can be a simple setup consisting of an insulated container (such as a Styrofoam cup) filled with a known volume of water. Record the mass and temperature of the water before the reaction.

4. Perform the reaction: Place the measured mass of sodium into the container with water. As sodium reacts with water, it will release heat. The heat released will raise the temperature of the water contained in the calorimeter.

5. Measure the temperature change: Using a thermometer, monitor and record the temperature change of the water in the calorimeter during the reaction. Ensure that the thermometer is accurate and calibrated correctly.

6. Calculate the heat absorbed: Using the equation Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat absorbed by the water, m is the mass of water, c is the specific heat capacity of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature, calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the water during the reaction.

7. Calculate the specific heat of sodium: The amount of heat released by the sodium in the reaction is equal to the heat absorbed by the water. Therefore, you can calculate the specific heat of sodium (Cp) using the relationship Q = msΔT, where Q is the heat released, m is the mass of sodium, s is specific heat capacity of sodium, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

8. Record observations: Make any additional observations during the reaction, such as the appearance of an effervescence or bubbling, changes in color, or any other observable changes.

Remember, working with reactive metals like sodium requires expertise and proper safety measures. It is crucial to employ professional assistance and conduct experiments in a controlled environment.