5. Read the word below to listen to the Spanish word for a color. Which one of the following food items corresponds to the color spoken?

"NARANJA"(in English it's, 'ORANGE')

A.la zanahoria***
B.la banana
C.la ensalada



you're right....

by the way "banana " is also called platano


To find out which food item corresponds to the Spanish word for a color, we need to listen to the word and then select the correct option from the given choices. Since you mentioned that the word "NARANJA" corresponds to the English word "ORANGE," we can eliminate options B (banana) and C (salad).

To listen to the pronunciation of the word "NARANJA" in Spanish, you can use various resources. One way is to go to a reliable online translation website like Google Translate or SpanishDict. On these websites, you can type in the word "ORANGE" in English, select Spanish as the target language, and click the pronunciation button (usually represented by a speaker icon). This will allow you to hear the correct pronunciation of the Spanish word "NARANJA."

Once you have listened to the pronunciation of the word, you can select the correct food item that corresponds to the color "NARANJA." In this case, the correct answer is A (la zanahoria), which translates to "carrot" in English.

So, the correct answer is A - la zanahoria.