a cube with side length 4 cm. is 25% full of sand. What is the volume of the sand?

thanks so much


To find the volume of sand in the cube, we first need to find the volume of the entire cube and then multiply it by the percentage that is filled with sand.

The formula for the volume of a cube is:

Volume = side length^3

Given that the side length of the cube is 4 cm, we can substitute this value into the formula to find the volume of the cube:

Volume = 4 cm * 4 cm * 4 cm
Volume = 64 cubic cm

Next, we need to find the volume of the sand. Since the cube is 25% full of sand, we can multiply the volume of the cube by 25% (or 0.25) to find the volume of the sand:

Volume of sand = Volume of cube * 0.25
Volume of sand = 64 cubic cm * 0.25
Volume of sand = 16 cubic cm

Therefore, the volume of the sand in the cube is 16 cubic cm.

4 * 4 * 4 * 0.25 = _____ cubic cm.

what is 4*4*4*0.25 equal to?

* means multiply
