X to the power of 11 like x11

and x to the power of two like x2


A x11

B x7

C 7

D x5

Online "^" is used to indicate an exponent, e.g., x^2 = x squared.

When multiplying/dividing, exponents are added/subtracted respectively.

x^9/x^2 = x^7

thx psyDag


To solve this problem, we need to understand a few mathematical concepts.

First, "x to the power of 11" or x^11 means multiplying x by itself 11 times. Similarly, "x to the power of 2" or x^2 means multiplying x by itself 2 times.

Now, let's solve the given expression: x^9 / x^2.

To divide exponential terms with the same base, you subtract the exponents. Therefore, x^9 / x^2 simplifies to x^(9-2) which is x^7.

So, the answer to the given expression is B) x^7.