I'm doing a research paper..or..starting one and its going to be about tsunamis. I need some idea's for one main question that summarizes the other sub-questions.

What sub questions do you have?

Have you started the research?
Have you taken notes?
Have you written a thesis statement?

I only really need a main question, I can come up with the sub-questions.

Please answer my other questions. Then I'll be able to help you.

Sub questions:

What is a tsunami?
How are tsunamis generated?
What are the characteristics of a tsunami?
Where and how frequently are tsunamis generated?
What are the warning signs of a tsunami?

Are you going to include the destruction tsunamis cause?

That's great! When coming up with a main question for your research paper on tsunamis, it's important to choose a question that encompasses the key sub-questions you'll be addressing. Here's a suggestion for a main question that can serve as a focal point for your research paper:

"What are the causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies of tsunamis?"

This main question broadly encompasses the three major aspects you can explore in your research paper: causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies. It allows you to delve into the various factors that trigger tsunamis, the consequences they have on coastal communities and ecosystems, and the measures that can be taken to reduce their destructive effects.

To further develop your research paper, you can create sub-questions related to each of these aspects. For example:

1. Causes:
- What geological events can generate tsunamis?
- How do underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions contribute to tsunami formation?
- What role do submarine landslides and asteroid impacts play in creating tsunamis?

2. Impacts:
- How do tsunamis affect coastal communities in terms of infrastructure damage and loss of life?
- What are the ecological impacts of tsunamis on marine ecosystems and coastal habitats?
- How do tsunamis impact the economy of affected regions in the short and long term?

3. Mitigation strategies:
- What are the early warning systems used to detect and warn about an approaching tsunami?
- How are coastal areas being redesigned to withstand tsunami impacts?
- What educational and preparedness measures can be implemented to enhance community resilience?

By addressing these sub-questions within the framework of your main question, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of tsunamis in your research paper.