864 times 2


To calculate 864 multiplied by 2, you simply need to multiply the two numbers together. Let me break it down for you:

1. Start by writing down the two numbers you want to multiply: 864 and 2.

2. Multiply the right-most digit of the first number (which is 4) by the second number (2). The result is 8.

3. Write down the 8 as the right-most digit of your answer.

4. Now, move to the left and multiply the next digit of the first number (which is 6) by the second number (2). The result is 12.

5. Since this is a two-digit number, write down the 2 as the next digit of your answer and carry over the 1 to the next step.

6. Now, multiply the left-most digit of the first number (which is 8) by the second number (2), and add the carried-over 1 to it. The result is 17.

7. Write down the 7 as the next digit of your answer, and carry over the 1 to the next step.

8. Finally, write down the carried-over 1 as the left-most digit of your answer.

Putting it all together, 864 multiplied by 2 equals 1728.