How would you expect the following series of compounds to compare in behavior for SN1 vs SN2?


on the last one, Br is a substituent of the C and that C is double bonded to CHCH3

Please help! Even if someone could just help me get started on it, I am completely lost.

Woops, sorry Marissa for the delay; just saw your question!

Remember, Sn1 reactions are based on the stability of the carbocations formed in the intermediate step. And Sn2 is favored if the carbocation formed is very unstable, thus it occurs in 1 step, without the intermediate carbocation. Do you know which of these 3 would form the most stable carbocation?

To compare the behavior of the compounds in SN1 (substitution nucleophilic unimolecular) and SN2 (substitution nucleophilic bimolecular) reactions, we need to consider the factors that favor each mechanism.

SN1 reactions occur through a two-step process: the first step involves the formation of a carbocation intermediate, followed by the attack of a nucleophile. Factors that favor SN1 reactions include:

1. Stability of the carbocation: A more stable carbocation increases the likelihood of SN1 reactions.

SN2 reactions, on the other hand, occur through a one-step process: the nucleophile attacks the substrate at the same time as the leaving group departs. Factors that favor SN2 reactions include:

1. Steric hindrance: Less crowded substrates favor SN2 reactions because sterically hindered nucleophiles struggle to approach the substrate.

Now, let's analyze each compound in the given series:

This compound contains a secondary carbon attached to the leaving group, Br. The presence of a double bond next to the leaving group can slightly hinder the nucleophile's approach, but it is still possible for the nucleophile to attack from the backside (SN2) or for the carbocation intermediate to form (SN1). Therefore, this compound could exhibit characteristics of both SN1 and SN2 reactions.

2. CH3CH2CH2Br:
This compound contains a primary carbon attached to the Br leaving group. Since the carbon is not hindered by any other groups, nucleophilic attack from the backside is likely to occur, favoring SN2 reactions.

3. CH3C(-Br)=CHCH3:
In this compound, the Br is a substituent of a carbon that is double-bonded to another carbon. The presence of a double bond restricts the rotation around the C-C bond, making it difficult for an approaching nucleophile to attack from the backside. Therefore, SN2 reactions are unlikely to occur in this case. On the other hand, the formation of a carbocation intermediate is possible due to the presence of a secondary carbon attached to the Br. This suggests that SN1 reactions may be more favorable for this compound.

In summary:
- CH3CH=CHCH2Br may exhibit characteristics of both SN1 and SN2 reactions.
- CH3CH2CH2Br is likely to favor SN2 reactions.
- CH3C(-Br)=CHCH3 is likely to favor SN1 reactions.

Remember that these predictions are based on the factors that usually influence SN1 and SN2 reactions. Actual experimental conditions can also affect the reaction outcomes.

To compare the behavior of compounds in SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic, Unimolecular) and SN2 (Substitution Nucleophilic, Bimolecular) reactions, we need to consider several factors. These factors include the nature of the nucleophile, the leaving group, the solvent, and the structure of the substrate.

1. Nucleophile: In SN1 reactions, the nucleophile does not directly participate in the rate-determining step since it only reacts with the carbocation intermediate. In SN2 reactions, the nucleophile directly attacks the substrate in the rate-determining step.

2. Leaving Group: A good leaving group is necessary for both SN1 and SN2 reactions. In both mechanisms, a better leaving group increases the rate of the reaction.

3. Solvent: The choice of solvent can affect the reaction mechanism. Polar protic solvents (such as water or alcohols) favor SN1 reactions, while polar aprotic solvents (such as acetone or DMF) favor SN2 reactions.

4. Substrate Structure: The structure of the substrate determines the rate and mechanism of the reaction. Specifically, the stereochemistry of the carbon atom undergoing substitution plays a key role in distinguishing between SN1 and SN2 reactions.

Now, let's apply these concepts to the given compounds:
This compound is an alkene with a Br group attached to a primary carbon. Alkene substrates favor SN1 reactions due to the stability of the carbocation intermediate. In this case, the π bond in the alkene hinders the nucleophile from approaching the substrate effectively, making it unfavorable for SN2 reactions.

2. CH3CH2CH2Br:
This compound is a simple alkyl bromide with a primary carbon. It lacks a double bond or other factors that would hinder nucleophilic attack. Primary alkyl halides are typically good substrates for SN2 reactions. This compound is likely to undergo SN2 reaction with a suitable nucleophile.

3. CH3C(-Br)=CHCH3:
This compound has a bromine atom attached to a tertiary carbon, which increases the stability of the carbocation intermediate. The presence of a pi bond in the molecule, however, can hinder direct nucleophilic attack. Therefore, it is expected to show a mixture of SN1 and SN2 characteristics, depending on the reaction conditions and the nature of the nucleophile.

Remember, while these predictions are generally applicable, it is important to consider all the factors and experimental conditions to determine the actual behavior of these compounds in SN1 and SN2 reactions.