Help with this essay

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the rise of fascism and it's policies.

-describe conditions existing after WWI
-The Characteristics of fascim
-Hitler & Mussolini & Japan
-Why did people accept?

See the Aftermath section of this article.

This article explains fascism. You can also find information on Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan in the same encyclopedia.

As for people accepting fascism, these societies were used to following orders without resistance. They also saw some of the more positive effects, such as an orderly society. It was said in Italy that Mussolini at least made the trains run on itme.

To start your essay, you first need to understand the conditions that existed after World War I. You can find information about this in the "Aftermath" section of the Wikipedia article on World War I. The link to the article is:

Next, you need to describe the characteristics of fascism. This information can be found in the Wikipedia article on Fascism. Here is the link to the article:

To discuss Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan, you can find information on these individuals and their involvement in fascist movements in the same Wikipedia article on Fascism.

Now, addressing why people accepted fascism, it is essential to note that these societies were already accustomed to following orders without resistance. Additionally, some individuals viewed fascism positively due to the perceived benefits it brought, such as creating an orderly society. For instance, in Italy, it was often said that Mussolini at least made the trains run on time.

Remember to use the information from the articles and expand on them with additional sources and analysis to create a well-researched and comprehensive essay. Good luck!