I need help brainstorming ideas for the following below: our assignment is that : "You have been asked by the college union to research a way that will make the lives of its students easier. You should consider ONE facet of a students’ life that you would like to help with (i.e. academic success, budgeting/saving money, health and wellness, productivity etc.)."

Our Task:

Write an informal report outlining your research and your recommendations

Basically that is the assignment but me and my partner are having difficulty deciding what we should write about since the instructor said it cant be too broad. We need an opening thesis about our topic as well. So far we have decided that certain physical activity can help relieve students stress or anxiety? or using a study schedule everyday can help benefit students academic success? Our report must be 10 pages and our ideas arent really working for us, can anyone help us with a more narrow and specific topic for our report? any ideas are appreciated :) thanks so much

Use and effectiveness of study groups..

I am not certain what an "informal" report is.

How about peer tutoring available in the dorms?

No no u guys misunderstood, we are supposed to research a way that will make the lives of students easier. So example is a way (physical activity) can help relieve students stress

We must consider one facet of the students life like academic success , health, saving money etc

So the physical activity would help in health facet

But we need more ideas and specific and narrow ones

Don't study groups and tutors apply to academic success?

True but what if the students don't need help from tutors and they prefer to work individually ?

Me and my partner are focussing on time Managnemt so the study guide , or health so physical activity

Rita, you do have a decent idea, but you need to narrow it down, as your instructor suggests. Certainly, physical activity is good for one's health - physical health. There is ample research on the subject. Physical activity can also help reduce emotional stress, which has an impact on academic success, overall well-being (as well as physical health). I suggest you do a lot of reading/research and choose either the impact of physical activity on either overall well-being (the psychological/emotional aspect), or physical health (as in cardio-vascular health, etc.)

Choosing a narrow and specific topic for your report can help provide a focused and in-depth analysis of the chosen area. Here are a few potential ideas that you can consider based on the facets mentioned:

1. Topic: Improving Academic Success
- Narrow focus: The Impact of Mindfulness Techniques on Students' Academic Success
- Opening thesis: "This report aims to explore the application of mindfulness techniques as a means to enhance students' academic success by reducing stress levels and improving focus and cognitive abilities."

2. Topic: Budgeting and Saving Money
- Narrow focus: Strategies for Efficient College Budgeting and Saving Money
- Opening thesis: "This report seeks to investigate practical strategies and resources that college students can utilize to effectively manage their budget, reduce expenses, and save money while pursuing their education."

3. Topic: Health and Wellness
- Narrow focus: The Role of Physical Exercise in Reducing Stress and Improving Mental Health among College Students
- Opening thesis: "This report aims to examine the impact of regular physical exercise on reducing stress levels, enhancing mental well-being, and improving overall health among college students, ultimately improving their overall student experience."

4. Topic: Productivity
- Narrow focus: Enhancing Students' Productivity and Time Management through Effective Digital Tools and Techniques
- Opening thesis: "This report investigates the diverse range of digital tools and techniques that college students can adopt to optimize their time management skills, boost productivity, and efficiently accomplish their academic and personal goals."

Once you have selected a specific topic, you can conduct further research to gather relevant information, statistics, studies, and personal experiences to support your thesis. Remember to structure your report logically, include an introduction, various sections addressing different aspects of the topic, and a conclusion summarizing your findings and recommendations.