The length of a rectangle is 5 feet more than the width. If the perimeter is 138 feet, what are the length and the width?



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everytime i work it.. It's wrong

Show us how you work it, please.

To find the length and width of the rectangle, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the width of the rectangle as 'w' feet.
According to the problem, the length of the rectangle is 5 feet more than the width, so the length can be expressed as 'w + 5' feet.

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is given by P = 2(l + w), where P is the perimeter, l is the length, and w is the width.

In this case, the perimeter is given as 138 feet. So we can write the equation as:
138 = 2(w + w + 5)

Simplifying the equation:
138 = 2(2w + 5)
138 = 4w + 10
128 = 4w
w = 32

Now that we have the width of the rectangle, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the length:
Length = w + 5 = 32 + 5 = 37 feet

Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 37 feet and the width is 32 feet.