What is a summary for chapter 2 slam by Walter dean Myers

Sorry for the misunderstanding what i meant is what are important parts to put in the summary because i read the book and did the summary but my teacher said it was bad.

What are the main events in the chapter?

What did the teacher say was bad about it?

Well she said it didn't made sense and didn't had important parts about the chapter.

Like the main events

well like conflicts, they are Greg's basketball team losing five seasons in a row and ice being suspicious.

What on earth did you read?

This doesn't look at all like the summary I found online.

I also don't know the summary for chapter two and I am on chapter 13

To create a summary for Chapter 2 of the book "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers, you will need to read and analyze the chapter. Here are some steps to help you create a summary:

1. Read the chapter: Begin by reading Chapter 2 of "Slam" carefully, paying attention to the events, characters, and their interactions.

2. Identify the main events: Identify the key events and actions that take place in Chapter 2. Look for any significant developments or plot points.

3. Determine the main characters: Note the primary characters involved and how they contribute to the chapter's events. Pay attention to any conflicts, relationships, or changes in character dynamics.

4. Consider the chapter's themes or motifs: Reflect on any recurring themes or motifs that emerge in Chapter 2. These may be related to the overall message or ideas of the book.

5. Summarize the chapter concisely: Craft a summary that captures the essence of Chapter 2, including its major events, character development, and themes. Focus on providing a condensed version of the chapter's main points.

Note: As an AI text-based model, I don't have access to the specific content of "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers. Therefore, I'm unable to provide you with a detailed summary for Chapter 2. However, by following the steps above, you can create an accurate summary based on your own reading and understanding of the chapter.

Why don't you read it and write your own summary?