How were the Aborigine people affected when their children were forced to live with British families or in institutions?

Umm.. This is Social Studies :P

yeah hes right fam

The forced removal of Aboriginal children, known as the "Stolen Generations," had a profound and devastating impact on the Aboriginal people of Australia.

To understand the effects, we need to explore the historical context and its consequences. Here's how you can gain a better understanding:

1. Research the historical background: Look up information about the colonization of Australia by the British Empire and the attitudes and policies towards Indigenous populations, including their experiences of displacement and dispossession.

2. Study the policy of forced removal: Familiarize yourself with government policies such as the Assimilation Policy, which aimed to assimilate Aboriginal people into the dominant British-Australian culture. The policy included removing Indigenous children from their families to sever cultural connections and enforce British values and lifestyles.

3. Read personal stories and testimonies: Read accounts and narratives from Aboriginal individuals who experienced the forced removal, both firsthand and through the accounts of their families. These firsthand stories can provide insight into the emotional, cultural, and social consequences of being separated from their families and cultural identity.

4. Explore the social and cultural impacts: Understand the devastating effects on Aboriginal culture and identity caused by the forced removals. Their connection to language, land, spirituality, and traditional knowledge was severely disrupted, passed down through generations.

5. Inform yourself about intergenerational trauma: Learn about how the removals had long-term psychological and social impacts on affected individuals and subsequent generations. Intergenerational trauma, loss of cultural knowledge, and disconnection from family and community have had lasting effects.

By delving into these resources and narratives, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how the forced removal of Aboriginal children profoundly impacted the individuals, communities, and culture of the Aboriginal people in Australia.