(19-3)*(11-2)+8 squared=209

I get 208.


thanks i messed up

To verify whether (19-3)*(11-2)+8 squared equals 209, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Calculate the subtraction inside the brackets.
(19-3) equals 16.
(11-2) equals 9.
So, we have (16)*(9)+8 squared = (16)*(9)+64.

Step 2: Evaluate the exponentiation.
8 squared means 8 raised to the power of 2, which is 8*8 = 64.
Replacing 8 squared in the equation, we have (16)*(9)+64 = (16)*(9)+64.

Step 3: Perform the multiplication.
(16)*(9) equals 144.
Replacing (16)*(9) in the equation, we have 144+64 = 144+64.

Step 4: Calculate the addition.
144+64 equals 208.

Therefore, the correct calculation of (19-3)*(11-2)+8 squared is 208, not 209.