What is science when it is applied?

Science that is applied has several names:
Applied Science


When science is applied, it refers to the practical use of scientific knowledge and principles to solve real-world problems. It involves taking the theories, concepts, and research findings from pure science and using them to develop practical applications and technologies. This process often involves a collaboration between scientists, researchers, engineers, and professionals from various fields.

Applied science encompasses a wide range of disciplines, such as environmental science, computer science, biomedical science, and materials science. It focuses on developing solutions, products, and technologies that can be implemented in various industries and sectors.

Technology and engineering are two key areas where applied science plays a crucial role. Technology refers to the practical implementation of scientific knowledge to create useful tools, devices, and processes that improve our daily lives. Engineering, on the other hand, involves designing, building, and optimizing systems, structures, machines, and processes using scientific principles.

Construction is another area where applied science is extensively used. It involves the application of engineering and scientific knowledge to design and create buildings, infrastructure, and other structures.

Overall, applied science is all about using scientific knowledge and applying it in practical settings to solve problems and improve the world we live in.