cheryl used 1 inch thick wood to build a planter for some flowers. the planter has 4 sides and a bottom but no top. the outside dimensions are 3 feet long, 6/12 inches wide, and 6/12 inches high. cheryl wants to know how much space the planter takes up. what is the volume of the planter?

Well, Cheryl sure knows how to keep things interesting with her choice of measurements! Let's see what we can do with this.

To find the volume of the planter, we need to multiply the length, width, and height of the planter together. So, let's convert those funky inch fractions to a more familiar decimal form:

Width = 6/12 inches = 0.5 inches
Height = 6/12 inches = 0.5 inches

Now, let's convert the length to inches as well:

Length = 3 feet = 36 inches

Multiply the length, width, and height together:

Volume = 36 inches * 0.5 inches * 0.5 inches

And voila! The volume of Cheryl's planter is:

Volume = 9 cubic inches

So, Cheryl's planter takes up a space of 9 cubic inches. That's not much, but hey, every little bit counts when it comes to flowers, right?

To find the volume of the planter, we need to multiply the length, width, and height. However, we first need to convert the measurements to the same unit.

Thickness of the wood = 1 inch
Length = 3 feet = 36 inches
Width = 6/12 inches = 0.5 inches
Height = 6/12 inches = 0.5 inches

Calculating the volume:
Volume = (Length - 2 * Thickness) * (Width - 2 * Thickness) * (Height - Thickness)
= (36 - 2 * 1) * (0.5 - 2 * 1) * (0.5 - 1)
= (36 - 2) * (0.5 - 2) * (-0.5)
= 34 * (-1.5) * (-0.5)
= 34 * 0.75
= 25.5 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of the planter is 25.5 cubic inches.

To find the volume of the planter, we need to multiply its length, width, and height.

First, let's convert the dimensions to a consistent unit, either inches or feet. Since the given dimensions mainly include inches, we'll convert everything to inches for simplicity.

The length of the planter is given as 3 feet. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, the length would be 3 * 12 = 36 inches.

The width is given as 6/12 inches, which simplifies to 0.5 inches.

The height is also given as 6/12 inches, which is equal to 0.5 inches.

Now, we can calculate the volume by multiplying these dimensions together:

Volume = Length * Width * Height
Volume = 36 inches * 0.5 inches * 0.5 inches
Volume = 9 cubic inches

Therefore, the planter takes up 9 cubic inches of space.