Does the essay "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker", by Phillip Lopate have anything related to my thesis paper on fear causing people to do what they do? I'd love someone else's perspective. Thank you!

Yes. The fear of withdrawing from her smoking addiction causes the girlfriend to continue smoking.

Did you find any quotations in particular that could be used as evidence for my thesis?

I was leaning more towards the idea of the main character(narrator) being afraid of being replaced by the cigarettes within their relationship. Thus causing him to remain neutral in the fear of facing something he does not have the ability to change.

How does that sound? Would that be a good argument to include in my essay? Any suggestions?

I couldn't find the entire essay online, but I did read summaries of it.

Your ideas are good.

Thank you for your help, I really appreciated it!

You're very welcome.

To determine if the essay "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker" by Phillip Lopate has anything related to your thesis paper on fear causing people to do what they do, you would need to analyze the content of the essay and compare it to your thesis. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Read the essay: Start by reading the essay "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker" by Phillip Lopate. Take notes while reading and pay attention to the main ideas, arguments, and examples presented in the essay.

2. Understand your thesis: Review your thesis statement regarding fear causing people to do what they do. Clarify in your mind the main points you want to establish and the evidence you intend to use to support your arguments.

3. Identify relevant content: Compare the main themes and ideas presented in "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker" with your thesis statement. Look for any connections or overlaps between the essay and your thesis. Consider aspects such as fear, motivations, behavior, and the impact of fear on decision-making.

4. Take notes: Jot down any specific examples from the essay that directly relate to your thesis. These examples could include instances where fear influences behavior or causes individuals to act a certain way. Note the arguments and evidence presented by Lopate that touch upon the topic of fear.

5. Evaluate the essay's relevance: Analyze the relevance and applicability of the essay to your thesis. Determine if the examples and arguments in "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker" align with the points you want to make in your thesis. Consider how the essay could potentially support or enhance your arguments.

6. Formulate your perspective: Based on your assessment, form your own perspective on whether the essay is relevant to your thesis. Consider both the similarities and differences between the essay and your thesis, and think about how the essay can provide valuable insights or perspectives that support or challenge your ideas.

By following these steps, you will be able to analyze the essay "A Nonsmoker With a Smoker" in relation to your thesis on fear causing people to do what they do. Remember that sharing your perspective with your peers or supervisors can also provide valuable insights and additional perspectives on the matter.