Mona is skating at a speed of 300 feet per minute. Lina is 1000 feet behind her. What should be her speed if she wants to catch up with Mona in 10 minutes?

the go to the end point in 10 min


but Lisa has to go this distance + 1000.
v=400 ft/min

400 mph

Well, if Lina wants to catch up with Mona in 10 minutes, she needs to cover the 1000 feet distance between them. So, to find her required speed, we can use a little math. Let's see...

If Lina has to cover a distance of 1000 feet in 10 minutes, that means she needs to travel at a speed of 100 feet per minute. Otherwise, she might trip and get all tangled up in her roller skates! And we definitely don't want that, do we?

So, Lina should skate at a speed of 100 feet per minute in order to catch up with Mona in 10 minutes. Good luck, Lina! Don't forget your helmet!

To figure out Lina's required speed to catch up to Mona in 10 minutes, let's analyze the problem step by step.

Step 1: Calculate the distance Mona covers in 10 minutes.
Given that Mona skates at a speed of 300 feet per minute, we can calculate the distance she covers in 10 minutes by multiplying her speed by the time:
Distance Mona covers in 10 minutes = Speed * Time
Distance Mona covers in 10 minutes = 300 feet/minute * 10 minutes = 3000 feet

Step 2: Find the relative distance between Mona and Lina after 10 minutes.
Since Lina starts 1000 feet behind Mona, we need to find the distance between them after 10 minutes.
Relative distance between Mona and Lina after 10 minutes = Distance Mona covers in 10 minutes + Lina's initial distance behind Mona
Relative distance between Mona and Lina after 10 minutes = 3000 feet + 1000 feet = 4000 feet

Step 3: Determine Lina's required speed.
To catch up to Mona in 10 minutes, Lina's speed needs to cover a distance of 4000 feet in that time.
Required speed for Lina = Relative distance between Mona and Lina after 10 minutes / Time
Required speed for Lina = 4000 feet / 10 minutes = 400 feet per minute

Therefore, Lina needs to skate at a speed of 400 feet per minute in order to catch up with Mona in 10 minutes.

Jenny left her house at 8 a.m. and went to school at a speed of 2 2 3 mph. Her brother Jim left house 4 minutes later and went to the same school. What must his speed be if he wants to keep the same distance between his sister and himself?


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