How are Earth and Venus different?

I already wrote that they have different atmospheres but I need another reason why are different so can someone help me please?

venus is closer to the sun and has a shorter "year"

earth has a moon but venus has none

Thank very very much! That is exactly what I needed! :)

I think I would say something about water, atmosphere, and temperature, and maybe seasons.

Thank you! :)

Certainly! In addition to having different atmospheres, Earth and Venus differ in various ways. One notable contrast is their surface conditions. Here's how you can further explore their differences:

1. Size and Mass: Venus is often referred to as Earth's "sister planet" due to its similar size. However, Venus has a slightly smaller radius (about 95% of Earth's) and a lower mass (about 82% of Earth's).

2. Temperature: Venus has an extremely high surface temperature, making it the hottest planet in our solar system. The average surface temperature on Venus is around 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius), which is hot enough to melt lead. In contrast, Earth's average surface temperature is much cooler, ranging from around -58 degrees Fahrenheit (-50 degrees Celsius) to 134 degrees Fahrenheit (57 degrees Celsius).

3. Atmosphere: While you mentioned the difference in atmospheres, let's delve deeper. Venus has a dense atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide (around 96%), with thick clouds of sulfuric acid and a greenhouse effect that traps heat. In contrast, Earth's atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 21%), and other gases, creating a breathable environment for life.

4. Surface Features: The surfaces of Earth and Venus possess stark differences. On Earth, geological activity, such as plate tectonics, has shaped diverse features like mountains, valleys, and ocean basins. Venus, on the other hand, lacks plate tectonics, resulting in fewer large-scale geological formations. Its surface is dominated by extensive volcanic plains, impact craters, and towering volcanic mountains, with no evidence of water-based erosion like on Earth.

By considering these differences, you can comprehensively explain how Earth and Venus diverge beyond their atmospheres.