write a paragraph describing how the us government managed the economy during world war I and the economic effects of the management consider the roles played by the food administration the war industries board (wib) and the war labor board.

Can someone help me please???

actually "Annoyed teacher", my teachers allow tests to be "open book", so get off your high horse

You're wrong- but ok, there would be no way to bust students here unless they copy and paste answers- as the school doesnt track the ip addresses of students/caretakers - people just say that to stop cheaters but it doesnt really work

yo thats true actually i know they got the program that checks if you just do a copy and paste thing on your essays

lucky for me i don't copy and paste (if i do, then it is VERY rare that it happens and it's only ever from wiki) so i think i'm good.

Can someone give the answer

@bakugo yassss I found another bnha fan! XD

the text book really doesn't give you direct ans. just ring around the Rosie crap just saying

Ikr, I never came here to copy the essay question. I just am here to learn from what other people know to develop my understanding of the topic.

Could someone please just put the answer I’m not trying to copy I just like to see what other peoples answers are before I do it to see if I’ve covered all the bases correctly

wait how would they see what websites your on? they can't check your search history or anything. and if they could on the computer they can't if youre logged into a personal google account. so technically they can't check the websites you use.