which solid figure has the most vertices A, triangular prism , A , rectangular prism, C, rectangular pyramid ,or,D, triangular pyramid

The solid figure that has the most vertices is the rectangular prism.

To determine which solid figure has the most vertices, we need to understand what vertices are. Vertices are the corners of a solid figure where the edges meet. Therefore, to find the solid figure with the most vertices, we need to count the number of corners for each given shape.

A triangular prism has 6 vertices: 3 at each end of the triangular bases.

A rectangular prism has 8 vertices: 4 at each corner of the rectangular base and 4 more on the opposite side.

A rectangular pyramid has 5 vertices: 4 at the corners of the rectangular base and 1 at the top.

A triangular pyramid has 4 vertices: 3 at the corners of the triangular base and 1 at the top.

From these calculations, we can see that the solid figure with the most vertices is the rectangular prism, with a total of 8 vertices.


pyramids have a base and one top vertex

prisms have two parallel bases.

so, ...