M and N are the midpoints of opposite sides of square ABCD.A point is selected at random in the square.find the probability that it lies in traingle ADM but not in triangle ADN

I picked M as the midpoint of AB, and N as the midpoint of DC

let P be the intersection of AN and DM

in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN
--> triangle AMP

by simple ratio calculations, the area of triangle AMP = (1/8)the square.

so prob(of your event) = 1/8

Well, it seems like the question is asking about the probability of selecting a point that falls within triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN in the given square.

To find this probability, let's do a bit of geometry clowning around! šŸŽŖ

First, let's consider the entire square ABCD. As M and N are the midpoints of the opposite sides, we can draw two lines from M to the opposite corners of the square, forming two triangles: MAB and MCD. Similarly, we can draw two lines from N to the opposite corners, forming two triangles: NAD and NBC.

Now, to calculate the probability of randomly selecting a point in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN, we need to find the area of each triangle.

Since M and N are midpoints of opposite sides, we can see that triangles MAB and MCD are both congruent. So, the probability of selecting a point in either of these triangles would be equal to the area of one of them divided by the total area of the square.

Similarly, triangles NAD and NBC are also congruent.

Now, if we want to find the area of triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN, we can subtract the area of triangle ADN from the area of triangle ADM.

Let's say the area of the square is represented by "A." As we can divide the square into four congruent triangles, each triangle's area would be A/4.

Therefore, the probability of selecting a point in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN would be:

(A/4 - A/4) / A = 0 / A = 0

Hence, the probability would be zero, meaning there is no chance of randomly selecting a point in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN. It's an empty space! šŸ¤”šŸŽ²

Hope this peculiar explanation brings a smile to your face! If you have any more questions or need further clownish assistance, feel free to ask!

To find the probability that a randomly selected point lies in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN, we need to determine the area of the region of interest and divide it by the total area of the square.

Step 1: Determine the area of triangle ADM.
Triangle ADM is one-half the area of triangle ABC since M is the midpoint of AB and D is one of the vertices. Since triangle ABC is a square with side length s, its area is s^2. Therefore, the area of triangle ADM is (1/2) * (s^2).

Step 2: Determine the area of triangle ADN.
Triangle ADN is one-half the area of triangle ACD since N is the midpoint of CD and D is one of the vertices. Since triangle ACD is a square with side length s, its area is s^2. Therefore, the area of triangle ADN is (1/2) * (s^2).

Step 3: Determine the area of the region of interest.
The region of interest is triangle ADM without the overlapping triangle ADN. Therefore, the area of the region of interest is the area of triangle ADM minus the area of triangle ADN, i.e., [(1/2) * (s^2)] - [(1/2) * (s^2)] = 0.

Step 4: Calculate the probability.
The probability is the ratio of the area of the region of interest to the total area of the square. Since the area of the region of interest is 0, the probability is 0.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected point lies in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN is 0.

To find the probability that a randomly selected point lies in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN, we need to understand the dimensions and positions of these triangles within the square ABCD.

1. First, let's denote the side length of the square as "s."
2. Since M and N are midpoints of opposite sides of the square, triangle ADM and triangle ADN are located along the diagonal of the square, diagonal BD.
3. Triangle ADM is formed by connecting points A, D, and M, while triangle ADN is formed by connecting points A, D, and N.
4. The diagonal BD splits the square into two congruent right triangles, each with a hypotenuse equal to the side length "s" of the square.
5. Let's denote the length of the diagonal BD as "d." Since BD is the hypotenuse of the right triangle, we can conclude that d = sāˆš2.

Now, to find the probability that a randomly selected point lies in triangle ADM but not in triangle ADN, we need to calculate the ratio of the area of triangle ADM to the area of the square.

1. The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula: Area = 0.5 * base * height.
2. For triangle ADM, the base is the length of side AD, and the height is the length of segment MN. Since segment MN is parallel to side AD, it is also equal to the side length "s" of the square.
3. Therefore, the area of triangle ADM = 0.5 * s * s = 0.5s^2.

To proceed further, we need additional information, specifically the ratio of s and d (the side length of the square to the length of the diagonal). Please provide the necessary data so that we can find the probability.