Write a story problem that can be represented with 1152÷24

There are 24 kids and 1152 cookies. When distributed evenly, how many cookies would each kid receive?


Sure! Here's a story problem that can be represented with 1152 ÷ 24:

Nina is arranging flowers for a special event. She has 1,152 flowers to distribute equally among 24 vases. She wants an equal number of flowers in each vase. How many flowers will Nina put in each vase?

To solve this problem, we can divide the total number of flowers (1152) by the number of vases (24).

To do this division, we can use long division or a calculator.

Using long division:
1. Start by dividing the first digit of the dividend (1,152) by the divisor (24). In this case, 1,152 ÷ 24 = 48. Write the quotient (48) above the line.

24 | 1,152

2. Multiply the quotient (48) by the divisor (24) to get a product of 1,152. Write this product below the line (right underneath the dividend).

24 | 1,152

3. Subtract the product (1,152) from the dividend (1,152). The difference should be 0. Write this 0 below the line.

24 | 1,152

Since we have no remainder (0), we can conclude that Nina will put 48 flowers in each vase.

24 kids get evenly bitten by 1152 ants. How many bites did each one get?

Write a story problem that can be represented with 1,152 divided bye 24