Can someone please explain how I would write the equation for the hydrolysis of lactose using structural formulae? Thanks.

Sure! To write the equation for the hydrolysis of lactose using structural formulae, you need to understand the structure of lactose and the process of hydrolysis.

Lactose is a disaccharide composed of two simple sugars: glucose and galactose. Its structure can be represented as β-D-Glucose (1→4)-β-D-Galactose.

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction in which water molecule (H2O) is added to break the bonds between the subunits of a compound. In the case of lactose, hydrolysis leads to the breakdown of the glycosidic bond connecting glucose and galactose, forming separate glucose and galactose molecules.

To write the equation, you would represent lactose using its structural formula, as mentioned earlier. Then, indicate the addition of water (H2O) to break the bond between glucose and galactose. Finally, write the separated glucose and galactose molecules using their respective structural formulas.

The resulting equation for the hydrolysis of lactose can be represented as:

β-D-Glucose (1→4)-β-D-Galactose + H2O → β-D-Glucose + β-D-Galactose

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to write the equation for the hydrolysis of lactose using structural formulae. Let me know if you have any further questions!