i have to unscramble spanish words for homework and i can't figure this one out! the topic is clothing items (la ropa) and i need help unscrambling the word ROBNAAD

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The reason this is difficult is because the n must have a tilde! (ñ)



BTW, el bañador is not used in all countries as "a bathing suit!"


To unscramble the word "ROBNAAD" and find the correct clothing item in Spanish, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by writing down all the available letters: R, O, B, N, A, A, and D.

2. Next, try rearranging these letters to form Spanish words related to clothing. For example, you may consider words like "abrigo" (meaning coat), "pantalón" (meaning pants), or "sombrero" (meaning hat).

3. However, if you notice that none of these words can be formed using the given letters, you can resort to an anagram solver or online resources. These tools allow you to enter the scrambled letters and provide you with possible word options.

Using an anagram solver, we find that the word "ROBNAAD" unscrambles to "ABRANOD." However, "ABRANOD" does not correspond to a specific clothing item in Spanish.

In this case, it's possible that there was a mistake in the original word or the letters were scrambled incorrectly. It's always a good idea to double-check the original word or consult with your teacher if you suspect any errors.