Cheryl gave Brenda 7 coins worth .92 cents. Two coins were quarters. What were the other 5 coins?

Probably there are equations that can be set up but you can also do it by logic.

2 coins are 0.25 = 50 cents. That leaves 92-50 = 42 cents and 5 coins to go.
The only way to get 2 cents is to have 2 pennies. That leaves 40 cents and 3 coins to go.
The only way to get 40 cents with 3 coins is 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 1 nickel.
So you have 3 quarters = 75 cents.
2 pennies = 2 cents.
1 dime = 10 cents.
1 nickel = 5 cents.
92 cents total and 7 coins.
The only way to get 40 cents

how to make 92 cent

To find out what the other 5 coins were, we need to determine the total value of the two quarters and subtract it from the total value of 92 cents.

The value of a quarter is 25 cents, so 2 quarters would be 2 * 25 = 50 cents.

To find the value of the other 5 coins, we subtract 50 cents from 92 cents: 92 - 50 = 42 cents.

Now we need to break down 42 cents into 5 coins. Note that the values of common coins are: a dime is 10 cents, a nickel is 5 cents, and a penny is 1 cent.

Let's try different combinations to find the five coins that add up to 42 cents:
- Option 1: 2 dimes + 2 nickels + 3 pennies = 42 cents (total of 7 coins)
- Option 2: 2 dimes + 1 nickel + 7 pennies = 42 cents (total of 10 coins)
- Option 3: 1 dime + 4 nickels + 2 pennies = 42 cents (total of 7 coins)
- Option 4: 1 dime + 3 nickels + 7 pennies = 42 cents (total of 11 coins)

Based on these combinations, Cheryl could have given Brenda any of the following sets of coins:
- Option 1: 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 nickels, 3 pennies (total of 7 coins)
- Option 2: 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, 7 pennies (total of 10 coins)
- Option 3: 2 quarters, 1 dime, 4 nickels, 2 pennies (total of 7 coins)
- Option 4: 2 quarters, 1 dime, 3 nickels, 7 pennies (total of 11 coins)

To find out what the other 5 coins were, we need to determine the total value of the quarters and subtract it from the total value of the 7 coins.

Since each quarter is worth 25 cents, the two quarters have a total value of 50 cents.

Now, we subtract the value of the two quarters from the total value of 92 cents:

92 cents - 50 cents = 42 cents

So, we need to find 5 coins with a total value of 42 cents.

To make the process easier, let's assume that all the remaining coins are pennies (1 cent each).

If we have 5 pennies, we have a total value of 5 cents, which is less than 42 cents.

So, we will try adding a nickel (5 cents) to our 5 pennies.

Now, we have a total value of 10 cents (5 cents from the nickel, and 5 cents from the pennies).

But, 10 cents is still less than 42 cents.

So, let's try adding a dime (10 cents) instead of the nickel to our 5 pennies.

Now, we have a total value of 15 cents (10 cents from the dime, and 5 cents from the pennies).

But, 15 cents is still less than 42 cents.

Continuing this process, we can try adding quarters, dimes, and nickels to the mix, keeping track of the running total until we reach a total value of 42 cents.

After going through the options, we find that the remaining 5 coins must be:

1 quarter (25 cents)
3 dimes (10 cents each, totaling 30 cents)
1 nickel (5 cents)

So, Cheryl gave Brenda two quarters, one quarter, three dimes, and one nickel, making a total of 7 coins worth 92 cents.