Two cubes of edge 2cm each are placed side to sideto form a cuboid. Draw an oblique sketch for the resulting figure.

That's the best romantic question

To draw an oblique sketch of the resulting figure, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing the two cubes side by side. Each cube has an edge length of 2cm. Make sure to draw them with their edges parallel to each other.

2. Connect the corresponding vertices of the cubes to form the top and bottom of the cuboid. These lines should be parallel to the side edges of the cubes.

3. Connect the remaining vertices of the cubes to form the sides of the cuboid. These lines will be slanted due to the viewing angle in the oblique sketch.

4. Make sure to maintain the relative proportions of the cubes and the angles between the lines. The resulting sketch should represent the three-dimensional nature of the figure.

5. Finally, add any necessary details or shading to enhance the visualization of the cuboid.

Remember, an oblique sketch is a simplified representation of a three-dimensional figure, so it may not accurately capture all the details of the actual shape.

A hero

Cannot sketch here.