Which of these is the MAIN reason for the Jewish Diaspora that took place in the 1st century CE?

A)The Roman Empire put Judaea under their control.

B)Islam became more popular, forcing the Jews to leave.

C)The Egyptian pharaoh attacked Judaea for more slave labor.

D)Christianity became more popular, forcing the Jews to leave.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i think its D

No, not D. Read your text materials.

If there is a reason you can't read your text, try reading this:


is it A?

Yes, A.

The main reason for the Jewish Diaspora that took place in the 1st century CE is option A) The Roman Empire put Judaea under their control.

To understand why this is the main reason, let's briefly explore the historical context. The Jewish Diaspora refers to the dispersion or scattering of the Jewish people throughout other regions of the world. In the case of the 1st century CE, the primary cause of the Jewish Diaspora was the conquest and control of Judaea by the Roman Empire.

In 63 BCE, the Roman General Pompey seized control of Jerusalem, and gradually the Roman Empire extended its authority over the region. However, tensions grew over time between the Jewish population and the Roman rulers. The situation worsened with the Jewish uprisings against Roman rule, specifically the First Jewish-Roman War that took place from 66 to 73 CE. The Romans eventually crushed the rebellion, culminating in the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE.

As a consequence, many Jews were displaced, killed, or enslaved, and the Jewish community in Judaea faced significant upheaval and displacement. This marked a crucial turning point in Jewish history, as it led to the scattering of Jewish communities throughout different regions of the Roman Empire and beyond. The Jewish people were forced to migrate to various locations, including Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, which constitutes the Jewish Diaspora of the 1st century CE.

So, option A) correctly identifies the Roman Empire's control over Judaea as the main reason for the Jewish Diaspora during the 1st century CE.