I would love it if you helped me.

1. Determine the median of this data set.

A. 2
B. 4.5
C. 5.5
D. 5

2. What is the mode of the data set?

A. 35
B. 33
C. 42
D. 57

3. Sam conducted a survey in which he asked his friends to name there favorite flavor of ice cream. What is the mode of the ice cream flavors?
Vanilla =3
Chocolate =2
Cookie dough =4
Mint Chocolate Chip =2

4. In the given data set witch TWO measures are equivalent?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode


answers are this

1. 4.5
2. 57
3. cookie dough
4. median and mode

i wrisked grade i got a 40 but these are 10000000% right!

i dont know what mode is

i dont need a link. links dont help me.

I dont like school

The writeacher is right, use the link it help you only need to read the second paragraph and you have the answers just take your time, links don't normally help me either but this one does, I'm in connexus 6th grade so if you don't understand then use the link

i need help with the last 2

to help out on the last on the answers are mode and median (I got that one wrong even with reading the link so this is just for some help) I hope it did help

What are the answers

are you sure

Mj is correct!