Predict how many times you will roll a number less than 5 if you roll a standard number cube 250 times.

in the "()" is that a fraction or is it a division sign?


2/3 is a fraction. It also means that 2 is divided by 3.

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To predict how many times you will roll a number less than 5 when rolling a standard number cube 250 times, we first need to understand the probabilities associated with each outcome.

A standard number cube has six faces, labeled 1 to 6. Out of the six possible outcomes, numbers less than 5 would include 1, 2, 3, and 4. Therefore, there are four favorable outcomes.

To determine the probability of rolling a number less than 5, we divide the number of favorable outcomes (4) by the total number of possible outcomes (6). This gives us a probability of 4/6 or 2/3.

Now, to predict the number of times you will roll a number less than 5 in 250 rolls, we need to multiply the total number of rolls (250) by the probability of rolling a number less than 5 (2/3).

250 × (2/3) = 500/3 ≈ 166.67

Therefore, the predicted number of times you would roll a number less than 5 in 250 rolls is approximately 166.67 times.

(2/3) * 250 = ?