1. Which is not a characteristic of the group 1 alkali metals?

A. High densities
B. Low melting points
C. Found in batteries
D. Silvery solid

2. which of the following is true of the group 2 alkali earth metals

A. they are less dense that the group 1 alkali metals
b. They have a lower melting point than group 1.
C. They are reactive, but not as reactive as the alkali metals.
D. Lithium and sodium are members of this group.

My answers
1. D
2. C

1. A (high densities)

2. C

Thank you!

1. The correct answer is A. High densities. Group 1 alkali metals have low densities, not high densities. So, option A is not a characteristic of the group 1 alkali metals.

2. The correct answer is C. They are reactive, but not as reactive as the alkali metals. Group 2 alkaline earth metals are less reactive than group 1 alkali metals but still exhibit reactivity. So, option C is true for group 2 alkaline earth metals.

To answer these questions, you will need to have knowledge of the properties of alkali metals, specifically group 1 alkali metals and group 2 alkali earth metals. Let's break down each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answer:

1. Which is not a characteristic of the group 1 alkali metals?

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the given characteristics and find the one that does not belong to group 1 alkali metals:

A. High densities: Group 1 alkali metals have low densities since they are relatively less dense than water.
B. Low melting points: Group 1 alkali metals have low melting and boiling points, which make them easily melt and vaporize at low temperatures.
C. Found in batteries: Group 1 alkali metals, such as lithium and potassium, are commonly used in batteries due to their high reactivity and ability to give up electrons.
D. Silvery solid: All group 1 alkali metals are shiny, soft solids with a silvery appearance.

By comparing the given options, you can conclude that the group 1 alkali metals do not have the characteristic of high densities (Option A). Hence, the correct answer is A.

2. Which of the following is true of the group 2 alkali earth metals?

Let's evaluate each statement to determine its correctness:

A. They are less dense than the group 1 alkali metals: This statement is not true as group 2 alkali earth metals, such as magnesium and calcium, are denser than group 1 alkali metals.
B. They have a lower melting point than group 1: This statement is not true as group 1 alkali metals have lower melting and boiling points compared to group 2 alkali earth metals.
C. They are reactive, but not as reactive as the alkali metals: This statement is true. Group 2 alkali earth metals are less reactive than group 1 alkali metals.
D. Lithium and sodium are members of this group: This statement is incorrect. Lithium and sodium belong to group 1 alkali metals, not group 2 alkali earth metals.

Based on the evaluations, you can conclude that statement C is true. Hence, the correct answer is C.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of arriving at the correct answers. Let me know if you have any more questions!