Senator Warren states that women are "ready to fight back" against unequal pay.

Is this a valid argument supported by accurate evidence?

A.No; Warren weakens her point by noting that "Today, more young women go to college than men."

B.Yes; Warren supports her point by noting that the Paycheck Fairness act was introduced "to give women the tools to combat wage discrimination."

C.No; Warren weakens her point by noting that "Women are the main breadwinners, or joint breadwinners, in two-thirds of the families across the country."

D.Yes; Warren supports her point by noting that the Paycheck Fairness Act will "ensure that salary differences have something to do with the actual job that they are doing."

Your teacher doesn't want to know what I think. What do you think?

i think d

To determine whether Senator Warren's argument is valid and supported by accurate evidence, we need to evaluate the statements provided in each option.

A. This option weakens Senator Warren's argument by stating that "Today, more young women go to college than men." Although this supports the idea that women are becoming more educated, it does not directly address the issue of unequal pay.

B. This option supports Senator Warren's argument by referencing the introduction of the Paycheck Fairness Act, which aims to provide tools for women to combat wage discrimination. This suggests that there is evidence supporting the existence of unequal pay.

C. This option weakens Senator Warren's argument by noting that "Women are the main breadwinners, or joint breadwinners, in two-thirds of the families across the country." While this highlights an important aspect of women's roles in families, it does not directly address the issue of unequal pay.

D. This option supports Senator Warren's argument by stating that the Paycheck Fairness Act will ensure that salary differences are based on the actual job being done. This suggests that there is evidence supporting the need for such legislation to address unequal pay.

Based on the evaluation, option B ("Yes; Warren supports her point by noting that the Paycheck Fairness act was introduced 'to give women the tools to combat wage discrimination'") is the most valid argument that supports Senator Warren's point with accurate evidence.