Which of these is found inside the solar system? A) Moon B) Nebula C) Galaxy D) Black hole

well, you surely know that the moon is a choice.

If only one choice is allowed, that must be it.

If you really aren't sure about the others, you need to do some reading. google is your friend.



To determine which of these options is found inside the solar system, let's break down the choices:

A) Moon: Yes, the Moon is inside the solar system. It is Earth's natural satellite and orbits around our planet.

B) Nebula: No, a nebula is not found inside the solar system. A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other gases, located outside of the solar system.

C) Galaxy: No, a galaxy is not found inside the solar system. A galaxy is a vast system of billions or even trillions of stars, along with gas, dust, and other celestial objects.

D) Black hole: No, a black hole is not found inside the solar system. A black hole is a region in space with extremely strong gravitational forces, where matter has collapsed under its own gravity.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) Moon, as it is the only option that is found inside the solar system.