67% or 603 employees in a company are female. How many are male?

33% are male because there is 67% + 33% = 100%.


I am trying to find the exact number of male employees, thats where I am having troubles at.

Like I tried,
x = the number of employees

x - 603 = the number of males

x = 603 - x
2x = 603
x = 301.5 and it show that its wrong

.33 * 603 = 199

199 is also wrong :/

total number of employees --- x

females = .67x = 603
x = 603/.67 = 900

so 900-603 or 297 are male

Yes its 297

Thank you Reiny, I had a hard time understanding that one.

To determine the number of male employees in the company, we need to find the remaining percentage of employees that are male. Here's how we can calculate it:

1. Subtract the percentage of female employees (67%) from 100% to find the remaining percentage of male employees:
100% - 67% = 33%

2. Convert the remaining percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100:
33% / 100 = 0.33

3. Multiply the decimal value by the total number of employees in the company to find the number of male employees:
0.33 * 603 = 199.59

Since we cannot have a fraction of an employee, we round the number up or down depending on the company's policy. Therefore, approximately 200 male employees work in this company.