Create a Raptor Flowchart that calculates the amount a person would earn over a period

of time if his or her salary were five cents the first day, ten cents the second day, and so
on doubling each day.
Your program should:
1. Request the number of days.
2. Display a table showing what the salary is for each day
3. Display the total pay

Sample Output (inputs in bold)
Please enter the number of days you will be working? 5
Day Pay
1 0.01000
2 0.02000
3 0.04000
4 0.08000
5 0.16000
Your total pay is 0.310000

MY QUESTION: I am having trouble finding a math equation that will double the pay for each day. I fiqured out how to get the sum and list the days but I just can't find a math formlua that will calculate the pay so that it will double each day; please help.

To calculate the pay amount that doubles each day, you can use an iterative approach. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate the pay:

1. Request the number of days from the user.
2. Initialize a variable called "pay" to 0.01 (the payment for the first day).
3. Create a loop that iterates from 1 to the number of days entered by the user.
4. Inside the loop, display the day number and the current pay amount.
5. Add the current pay amount to the running total of "pay."
6. Double the current pay amount.
7. After the loop ends, display the total pay amount.

Here's a Raptor Flowchart representation of the above steps:


│Request Days │

│ pay = 0.01 │

│ i = 1 │

│ i ≤ Days │

│ Display "Day i"│
│ Display │
│ pay amount │
│ │

│ pay = pay + │
│ current pay │
│ amount │

│current pay = │
│current pay x2 │

│ i = i + 1 │

│Display │
│Total Pay│


By following this flowchart, you should be able to calculate the pay amount that doubles each day and display the total pay correctly.