What is the reaction that creates polysaccharides? What covalent bond forms between 2 sugars? Which is the main group involved in this bond formation?

I've been reading my book for hours and I can't find the answer to this

The reaction that creates polysaccharides is called a condensation or dehydration synthesis reaction. This reaction occurs when two monosaccharide molecules join together, releasing a water molecule in the process.

The covalent bond that forms between two sugars during this reaction is called a glycosidic bond. In this bond, the anomeric carbon of one sugar molecule reacts with a hydroxyl group (usually on the carbon atom in position 4 or 6) of another sugar molecule. This bond is formed through a covalent linkage, resulting in the formation of a glycosidic linkage.

The main group involved in the bond formation is the hydroxyl group (-OH) present in the sugars. Specifically, the hydroxyl group on the anomeric carbon of one sugar molecule reacts with the hydroxyl group on the carbon atom of the other sugar molecule, leading to the formation of the glycosidic bond.

To find this information in your book, you can start by searching for topics related to polysaccharides, such as carbohydrate synthesis or sugar polymerization. Look for sections that discuss condensation or dehydration synthesis reactions, as well as glycosidic bonds. These topics are usually covered in chapters or sections related to biochemistry or carbohydrate chemistry.