which of these was a primary difference between the republic and the empire?

a.More people could be citizens in the republic.

b.Religious freedom was greater during the empire.

c.Rome established colonies only during the empire.

d.Political power was less centralized in the republic.

Please help me...

Help me please!

What era is this pertaining to, and what do you think the answer is?

I think it is D, but im not sure.

Oh, and this is the "Primary difference between the ROMAN republic and the ROMAN empire."

And i also need help with this one too. I'm trying hard but i cant really get around it easily.

"The Romans were ignorant of the extent of their danger, and the number of their enemies. . . . The Barbarian world was agitated by the rapid impulse of war."
—Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Which statement best summarizes Gibbon's ideas given above?

a. Romans were not militarily strong enough to face the barbarians.

b.The outside dangers facing Rome were greater than Romans thought.

c.Rome had angered the barbarians by making them go to war.

d.The wars taking place outside Rome were a direct threat to the empire.

I think this one ^up here^ is B

You're right about B for the second question. Gibbon writes that the Romans were not aware of the extent of the danger. Outside dangers were greater than the Romans thought is another way of saying it.

And you are correct in D for the first question. :)

Thanks!!!! soooooo much!!!

Well, do you know the definition of republic and empire, and the difference between them? I'm sure you'll know the answer once you know what republic and empire is.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you. To determine the primary difference between the republic and the empire, we need to analyze each option and select the one that best represents a significant distinction between the two periods of Roman history.

a. "More people could be citizens in the republic"
In the Roman Republic, citizenship was initially exclusive to adult male Roman citizens. However, over time, more people, such as conquered peoples and freed slaves, were granted citizenship. Although citizenship expanded during the Republic, it also continued to evolve during the Empire.

b. "Religious freedom was greater during the empire"
Religious freedom is not a primary difference between the republic and the empire. In both periods, Rome had a polytheistic religion where the state heavily influenced religious practices.

c. "Rome established colonies only during the empire"
This statement is incorrect. Rome established colonies during both the republic and the empire. Colonies were established as a means of expanding Roman influence and controlling conquered territories.

d. "Political power was less centralized in the republic"
This is the correct answer. One of the primary differences between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire was the centralization of political power. In the Republic, power was distributed among the Senate, consul, and popular assemblies. The emperor in the Empire, however, possessed ultimate political power, leading to a more centralized system.

Based on this analysis, the primary difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire is that political power was less centralized in the republic (option d).