The admission fee at an amusement park is $ 1.50 for children and $ 4.00 for adults. On a certain day, 258 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled $712 . How many children and how many adults were admitted?

I tried doing it this way;
x = amount of children tickets
y= amount of adults tickets

x + y = 258

1.50(x) + 4.00(y) = 712
1.50(x) + (y) = 712/4
1.50(x) + (y) = 178

1.50(x) + (y) = 178
- (x) + (y) = 258
0.50(x) + 0(y) = -80

x = -160

(x) + (y) = 258
-160 + (y) = 258

y= 258 + 160
y= 418

but that doesn't make any sense, and if I go
y= 258 - 160
y= 98
it show that its a wrong answer

Where did I make the mistake?

here is your problem:

1.50(x) + 4.00(y) = 712
1.50(x) + (y) = 712/4

you divided the 2 last terms by 4, but not the first one

so 1.50(x)/4 + 4.00(y)/4 = 712/4

0.375(x) + (y) = 178
(x) + (y) = 258
-0.625(x) + 0(y) = -80

x= -80/-0.625
x= 128

x + y = 258
128 + y = 258
y = 258 - 128
y = 130

x = 128 (number of children tickets)
y = 130 (number of adults tickets)

And it works, Thank you Reiny!

The admission fee at an amusement park is $2.00 for children and $6.60 for adults. On a certain day, 299 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled 1311 dollars. How many children and how many adults were admitted

The admission fee at an amusement park is $2.00 for children and $6.60 for adults. On a certain day, 299 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled 1311 dollars. How many children and how many adults were admitted

A rectangular garden is 15 ft longer than it is wide. Its area is 1000ft^2

. What are its dimensions?

You made a mistake in your calculation when subtracting the equations. Let me guide you through the correct steps:

Start with the equations:
x + y = 258
1.50x + 4y = 712

To eliminate the decimals, we can multiply the second equation by 2:
3x + 8y = 1424

Now we have the following system of equations:
x + y = 258
3x + 8y = 1424

To solve this system, we can use the method of substitution or elimination. Let's use the elimination method:

Multiply the first equation by 3:
3(x + y) = 3(258)
3x + 3y = 774

Subtract this new equation from the second equation:
(3x + 8y) - (3x + 3y) = 1424 - 774
5y = 650

Divide both sides by 5:
y = 130

Now substitute this value of y back into the first equation to find x:
x + 130 = 258
x = 258 - 130
x = 128

Therefore, the number of children admitted (x) is 128, and the number of adults admitted (y) is 130.