9. The economies of the United States and Canada are (2 points)

very different.
strongly linked.
dependent on tourism.
exactly the same.

What do you think? What does your text say about it? We'll be glad to check your answer.

strongly linked,

they are each other's largest trading partner.

are you sure Reiny?

To determine the correct answer, we will examine each option and explain how to arrive at the answer.

1. Very different:
To determine if the economies of the United States and Canada are very different, we can compare various economic indicators such as GDP, trade, industry composition, labor market, and fiscal policy. By analyzing data and comparing these indicators, we can assess if there are significant differences between the two economies.

2. Strongly linked:
To determine if the economies of the United States and Canada are strongly linked, we can assess the extent of trade between the two countries, investment flows, and economic integration. A high level of cross-border trade, substantial investment ties, and shared economic policies could indicate a strong link between the two economies.

3. Dependent on tourism:
Determining if the economies of the United States and Canada are dependent on tourism requires analyzing the contribution of tourism to their respective GDPs. By examining tourism receipts, employment in the tourism sector, and the reliance of other industries on tourism, we can assess the level of dependence on tourism for each country.

4. Exactly the same:
To determine if the economies of the United States and Canada are exactly the same, we would need to compare a wide range of economic indicators, including GDP, manufacturing, services, trade, employment, and fiscal policies. We could analyze statistical data to identify any significant differences or similarities between the two economies.

Based on these methods, the most appropriate answer is likely: very different. The United States and Canada have unique economic structures, policies, and industry compositions, which contribute to differences in their respective economies. However, it is important to conduct further research to validate this answer and obtain more specific information.