if you want to make 50 ml of a 1x TAE solution fro a 50X stock, how would you prepare it?

To prepare a 1x TAE (Tris-Acetate-EDTA) solution from a 50x stock, you need to dilute the stock solution with the appropriate amount of distilled water. Here's how you can calculate the required volumes:

1. Determine the desired final volume: In this case, you want to make a 50 ml solution.

2. Calculate the dilution factor: Divide the stock concentration (50x) by the desired final concentration (1x). In this case, 50x/1x = 50.

3. Calculate the volume of the stock needed: Divide the final desired volume (50 ml) by the dilution factor (50). 50 ml/50 = 1 ml.

4. Subtract the volume of stock needed from the final desired volume to calculate the volume of distilled water required: 50 ml - 1 ml = 49 ml.

Therefore, to prepare 50 ml of a 1x TAE solution from a 50x stock, you would take 1 ml of the stock solution and add 49 ml of distilled water to it.