Design the pseudocode for a program that allows a user to enter 10 numbers, then displays them in the reverse order of their entry

Sure! Here's the pseudocode for a program that allows a user to enter 10 numbers and displays them in reverse order:

1. Declare an array of size 10 to store the numbers.
2. Initialize a variable `index` to 0.
3. Repeat until `index` is equal to 10:
- Prompt the user to enter a number and store it in the array at position `index`.
- Increment `index` by 1.
4. Set `index` to 9.
5. Repeat until `index` is equal to 0:
- Display the number stored in the array at position `index`.
- Decrement `index` by 1.
6. End of program.

Here's the pseudocode with statements:

Declare array numbers[10]
Set index = 0

Repeat until index = 10
Display "Enter a number:"
Read number from user
Set numbers[index] = number
Set index = index + 1
End Repeat

Set index = 9

Repeat until index = 0
Display numbers[index]
Set index = index - 1
End Repeat

This pseudocode prompts the user to enter 10 numbers, stores them in an array, and then displays them in reverse order.

Sure! Here is the pseudocode for the program you described:

1. Initialize an empty array called "numbers[]" to store the 10 numbers.
2. Initialize a variable "count" and set it to 0.
3. Display a message to prompt the user to enter a number.
4. Read the user's input and store it in the "numbers[]" array at index "count".
5. Increment the "count" variable by 1.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until "count" becomes equal to 10.
7. Display the numbers in reverse order:
a. Set a variable "index" to 9.
b. Repeat steps 8-10 while "index" is greater than or equal to 0.
8. Display the number in the "numbers[]" array at index "index".
9. Decrement the "index" variable by 1.
10. End the loop.
11. End the program.

This pseudocode outlines the basic structure of the program. To implement it in a specific programming language, you would need to use the appropriate syntax and functions for input/output operations.

for i=1 to 10

read n[i]

for i=10 to 1 step -1
print n[i]

Or, if you don't like counting down,

for i=1 to 10
print n[11-i]

or, depending on the language, the array may be 0-based, but you can allow for that.

Design the logic for a program that allows a user to enter 20 numbers, then displays each number and its difference from the numeric average of the numbers entered.