Jameston High School has 2020 students. Its enrollment has been decreasing at a rate of 125 students per year. Townsville High School has 1075 students. Its enrollment has been increasing at a rate of 80 students per year. Assuming the enrollment rates continue:

A. Write an equation to model this.

B. When will they have the same enrollment?

C. What is that enrollment amount?

A. Jameston High School Enrollment: 125n - 2020

Townsville High School Enrollment: 80n + 1075

B. 125n - 2020 = 80n + 1075

C. Solve B's equation, then the answer you get, plug that in for n to get the enrollment amount.

Sorry, I made messed up entirely.

A. Jameston High School Enrollment: 2020 - 125n

Townsville High School Enrollment: 1075 + 80n.

B. To find out when they will have the same enrollment would be: 2020 - 125n = 1075 + 80n

Solve 2020 - 125n = 1075 + 80, to get 2020 = 1075 + 205n, solve that further.

I'm sure you know what to do from there. Sorry for the confusion.

A. To model the enrollment for both schools, we can use the equation:

Enrollment at Jameston High School = 2020 - 125n
Enrollment at Townsville High School = 1075 + 80n

Where n is the number of years.

B. To find when they will have the same enrollment, we need to solve the equation:

2020 - 125n = 1075 + 80n

C. To find the enrollment amount when they have the same enrollment, we substitute the value of n into either equation above.

A. To model the enrollment of Jameston High School and Townsville High School, we can use the following equations:

For Jameston High School:
Enrollment(Jameston) = 2020 - 125 * t

Where t represents the number of years since the enrollment began decreasing.

For Townsville High School:
Enrollment(Townsville) = 1075 + 80 * t

Where t represents the number of years since the enrollment began increasing.

B. To find when Jameston High School and Townsville High School have the same enrollment, we need to set their enrollment equations equal to each other and solve for t:

2020 - 125 * t = 1075 + 80 * t

Let's simplify the equation:

2020 - 1075 = 80 * t + 125 * t
945 = 205 * t

Now, let's solve for t:

t = 945 / 205
t ≈ 4.61

Therefore, Jameston High School and Townsville High School will have the same enrollment after approximately 4.61 years.

C. To find the enrollment amount when they have the same enrollment, we can substitute the value of t back into either of the enrollment equations.

Using the Jameston High School equation:

Enrollment(Jameston) = 2020 - 125 * t
Enrollment(Jameston) ≈ 2020 - 125 * 4.61
Enrollment(Jameston) ≈ 2020 - 575.125
Enrollment(Jameston) ≈ 1444.875

Therefore, the enrollment amount when Jameston High School and Townsville High School have the same enrollment is approximately 1444.875 students.