Which BEST identifies and explains the function of the word gardening as it is used in this sentence?

Gardening is a pleasant and productive pastime for people of all ages.
A) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the subject.
B) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as a direct object.
C) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as a subject complement.
D) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition.


The verb is "is." What is the subject of this verb?

To identify and explain the function of the word "gardening" in the given sentence, we need to understand the concept of gerunds and their various functions in a sentence.

A gerund is a type of verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun in a sentence. It can act as the subject, direct object, subject complement, or object of a preposition.

Let's break down the sentence: "Gardening is a pleasant and productive pastime for people of all ages."

In this sentence, the word "gardening" is the subject of the sentence, expressing the action or activity being performed. It is functioning as a noun because it is the subject of the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) In the selected sentence, the word gardening is a gerund, and the gerund phrase functions as the subject.

To arrive at this answer, you can identify the word gardening as a gerund by recognizing the -ing form and then determine its function by analyzing its role in the sentence. Understanding the different functions of gerunds can help you correctly identify their roles in sentences.

Gardening is the subject

Right. :-)